Saturday, December 31, 2011

Torüm, edlaz!

Torüm, edlaz.
Greetings, friends.

Well...I'm trying my hand at this. This blog is for the 365 Picture Challenge, but who knows what it'll become after that? Stay tuned ;) I'm Cecilie Lyth Leyimi Deltasi Adun. Not. I'm Linnea (li-nay-uh) and I'm a writer, I'm a dancer, and I'm me ^_^ I have four cats, one dog (who is NOT mine. She's my dad's. End of story :P) and a little brother. I currently live in Dallas Texas, and it's awesome to be in a big city again ^_^
I. Love. To. Read. Get me going on a book discussion and I'll never shut up. Fantasy. Fantasy is my life. I find it hard to read non-fantasy sometimes, and *cough* some classics bore me to death *hides* I hate math, and numbers in general. They iz evil little thingy-mabobbers. They should be honored that they have words named after them, and that the dear letters agree to be in their little equations 'cause they can't do it themselves. Hmph. "Numbers are the very definition of reality, and when they get into my fantasy of words, I get mad." ~Me. Thus you have my thoughts on numbers.

I eat dark dark chocolate. Up to 90%, but I haven't found 100% yet *grins*
I drink coffee at all times of day. *shrugs* I don't care if it's ten PM or not, if there's coffee, I drink it. With honey in it. *nodnod*
I'm obsessed with cloaks, and my first ever real one is on it's way from amazon *excitement* It's purple, but the only reason I didn't get green is 'cause it's discontinued >.< But I have a charrie who wears a purple cloak sometimes, so it's all good :)
One of these days I'll find the perfect fabric for a Ranger's cloak, then I'll pay a professional to make me a cloak out of it.
I enjoy to wear my Luna Lovegood earrings, necklace, and glasses out in public.
I adore high-heels, though only own two semi-high pairs.

I am a dancer. Tap is wonderful (that's my favorite adjective, just if you were wondering) it's my favorite. Lyrical is wonderful as well *nodnod* Ballet is...ballet. Meh. I like it and all, but it's no fun to choreograph. Choreography is my passion, someday I hope to own my own dance studio and choreograph my own shows :) Hence the "Dancing" in the blog name.

I love musicals. Singin' In The Rain is the best movie ever made. Brigadoon is epic as well. And so many others.

I'm obsessed with Celtic music, and I like Country music too, but don't like 'country livin''  Epic classical is awesome as well, and Christian Contemporary.

Rain. I love rain. I dance in it. Whenever I am able. I. Love. Rain.
Hence the "Rainy" In the blog title

Dragons. I'm obsessed with dragons. I currently have fourteen named. I love all my dragons
Hence the "Dragons" in the blog title

I am a dreamer. I could sit and daydream for hours, about lots and lots of things. Choreography, writing, reading, life in general.
Hence the "Dreaming" In blog title.

And there you have it, "Dancing On Rainy Dragons While Dreaming"

Hope you find me interesting to follow and comment :P

Ahem. If I don't post for more than two days, comment on something, yelling at me to post my pictures :P

Joun sheïll von lüm!
(I wish you well, in alth gui'tonil l'elvenya, my elven language that I'm crazy enough to make up)