Thursday, October 18, 2012

So I'm making a little plushie Loki. Marvel Loki from Avengers. As a little stuffed dude. Eyup. I "Designed" the pattern for him myself, and all of his little bits are actually fitting together nicely. I'm so happy. HERE PICTURES. :D (More to come.)

There he is. All dismembered and cut out and seriously un-Loki-like.

Next comes the stuffing. Ahahahaha.


Thursday, August 23, 2012


As mentioned on AWAHD, I have a new inkstain

An inkstain is this:

Something I repeatedly draw on my arm or hand. XD

Here are some pics I took and messed with tonight instead of writing. ^_^

 (This one's my favorite. :3)

Ciao ciao, all. ^_^


Monday, March 26, 2012

Weeeeeeeeeel. Hai.

So I failed the 365 picture challenge.

But it did something amazing for me.

It woke a love for photography as a hobby.

I didn't have a hobby.

Now I do.

So this blog shall be turned into my picture blog. I'll post pics when I want. Hopefully I'll be able to take some really neat ones after we move.

So until I've got some stuff to post, followers, I'll leave you with this:

Failure isn't always failure. Sometimes it's a setback. And other times it is merely the scraping away of sand to reveal the jewel beneath.

Joun sheïll von lüm, edlaz.

Friday, March 9, 2012

Day 58: Kittehs :3

They were being adorable, and all sleeping on my bed :3

Of course, Coors had to get up and greet me before I could get the picture right, but.....


Day 57: Hilton

Yes, I live in a place where places like the Hilton [fancy name I can't remember] exist. This is the lobby:

We walked in and all go, at the same time:
" :O "


Day 56: Neat-o fishies ;D

We went to the Dallas World Aquarium this day, and it's not much to speak of; I will NOT be going back unless someone drags me there and pays. Not worth fifty bucks at all.

BUT, I'm not here to rant.

I'm here to show you these epical fishies >:D

I'mma have a Flashlight Fish villain one of these days >:D


Day 55: I've probably failed this......

But I'm going to keep blogging nonetheless.

I can't remember my 55th pic entirely, but I think it's this amazingly adorable video of mah Mr. Puss man :3

I'll get caught up I think; I've taken pictures every day, just forgotten to post them :P Let's see if I can put them all in order O.<

Enjoy the cuteness ^.^


Sunday, February 26, 2012

Extra post of pics!!!!!

So I was extremely fangirly about a week ago and I happened to have a copy of DH from a library sale I went to, and this box that had stuff in it on Christmas, and I needed a place to put special things (Marlin, gift cards, SW savings, SDCards, ect.) So....voila! My specials box :3

And yes, I'mma be a HUGE nerd and explain every bit of it >:D

 Here's the front :3
Summary of things from top to bottom, left to right:
My favorite paragraph in the whole book, quite possibly (or second favorite...) "Harry, you wonderful boy, you brave, brave man."
They got this scene almost word for word in DHP2. (And yes, I'm that much of a nerd; I almost have the scene memorized)
The sign on Regulus' door:
Do Not Enter
Without the Express Permission of:
Regulus Arcturus Black.
Chapter heading for I think: The Will of Albus Dumbledore
Paragraph in which Hagrid shows up for Harry's seventeenth birthday party.
 "Six years to the day since we met, Harry, d'you remember it?" 
"Vaguely," Said Harry, grinning up at him. "Didn't you smash down the front door, give Dudley a pig's tail, and tell me I was a wizard?"
"I forge' the details," Hagrid chortled.
Beside that, a favorite spell: Expelliarmus!
Another of my favorite paragraphs: in which Harry realizes that he's seventeen, and can now legally use magic outside school, and tries to summon his glasses.
There was something immensely satisfying about seeing them zoom towards him. At least until they poked him in the eye.
Love that quote.
Left to right along the bottom: the spell Reparo, the chapter heading for one of my favorite chapters: Chapter nineteen, The Silver Doe and the spell Impedimenta.
Across the right side is a quote from Ravenclaw: "Wit beyond measure is man's greatest treasure..."
 And here, from top to bottom:
Another paragraph from King's Cross
"Tell me one last thing," said Harry. "Is this real? Or has this been happening inside my head?"
Dumbledore beamed at him, and his voice sounded loud and strong in Harry's ears even though the bright mist was descending again, obscuring his figure.
"Of course it is happening inside your head, Harry, but why on earth should that mean it is not real?"
Chapter headings for:
Chapter Seven (just those words)
Xenophilius Lovegood
The Battle of Hogwarts
Followed by the end of a letter from Harry's mother, sent years and years ago:
Lots of love,
only significant to Snape fangirls :P
 Here, from left to right:
Chapter headings for:
The Prince's Tale
The Flaw in The Plan
The Elder Wand
Then, one of my most favorite sentences:
The green eyes found the black.
and beside all that is the stuff listed above :P
Below that, a couple more favorite paragraphs, in which Snape is awesome and below that in which Harry is awesome, and defends McGonagall.
"He spat at you," said Harry.
 The inside cover:
Chapter heading/page for chapter nineteen: The Silver Doe
Below that on the left, chapter picture for chapter two; In Memoriam
Below that on the left:
"Harry? Harry! Harry!"
Beside that, the spell Wingardium Leviosa
And above that beside the picture on the right, Accio Dittany!
Best paragraph
Best love story ever written in one word.
Snape's the bestest.

SO yep. Extras all around :P


Day 54: Stained glass

I went to a friend's church this morning and there was this gorgeous stained glass window.
And I had my camera with me (I keep it in my bag 24/7 almost, now) so I took a few pics:

That's my friend's hand, and I'm thinking about using this pic for a book cover, but for which book I've NO idea XD But I LOVE the :P


Day 53: Amazing sunrise

Had to get up eaarrrrrrrrlllllyyyyy this day to head out to meet a friend, and LOOK at the sunrise pic I got <3

It's slightly blurry and through my window, but just LOOK at those colors....I love sunrises so much. WAY more than sunsets <3


Day 52: Savings.

I made my OYAN SW Craft and Gift and Extra Random Stuff jar :D it currently has about thirteen dollars in it....*sigh* Ah well. I'll get there. :P voici:

 I used an empty Lays Stacks container and covered it in duck tape :P
All this un-lovely ducktape on the top is so I don't open it and spend it all :P

And to make up for not posting for a few days, there'll be a special post here in a few when I'm caught up ;) stay tuned!


Saturday, February 25, 2012


Took a beautiful pic of the sunrise today, but, of course, it's not on the iPod and I have yet to find the cord for the camera, so...tomorrow, ladies and gents (do I have any gents that follow this....? Hum.)


Thursday, February 23, 2012


I don't have a pic, but I have something to take a pic OF. My camera just doesn't shoot pics well at midnight O.<

Tomorrow. First thing. It'll count. I took a pic of my brother. But I don't want to post it :P Tomorrow.


Wednesday, February 22, 2012

Day 51: Movin' on!

Muahaha, look what I opened today?

Muahahaha :D 'twas awesomeness. ^_^

You can't really see in this one, so  I took another paper of where I began to tear the plastic off :D
Hehehe :D


Tuesday, February 21, 2012

Day 50: A video of the sweetest kitteh evah :3

Caught up now

I got this video of Mr. Puss man today :3 he was sitting on my lap and being all adorable and stuffs. Making it rather hard to outline, but I didn't care :3

Innee adorable!??!?!

I'll be caught up with posting now I hope ;)


Day 49: The Map

I did lesson 22 in my Map the other day :3

I've calculated...well...more like 'estimated' or 'assumed' or 'guessed' that if I do one OYAN lesson every two days I can get my novel done by the SW.

Needless to say, I'm GOING to do this.



I realized at midnight

So I grabbed the closest thing to me:




For dresses
For the OYAN SW

Look :3

 The above are for Ximxie Lythien Maydonie Ellion Moore, and I'm going to do the pattern in the bottom right that is maroon, but the color will be white.
 Acaci: Donïed fon Rouldd
VOILA! :D (I'm so excited I'm not using proper French)
I'm thinking about doing the big one, on the right, the tan one, but it'll be purple, and the sleeves will gather just a touch more at the elbow. 

Needless to say IAMSOSTINKINGEXCITED! :D *goes to save money*

Ta ta all!

Day 46: Me and mah kitteh :3

Isn't he
Just about
And FLUFFIEST (not :P)
 He sat on my lap.
And I was wearing my cloak
And....I took a picture :3
He's so tute unt fluffeh :3


Day 45: Cute kitty

Sorry I haven't been posting, but I HAVE been taking the pics, so no worries ;)

This is most likely one of the cutest kitties I've ever seen:
His name is Highway, because he'd been hit on the highway, and he was rescued. He's at Petsmart in Frisco TX and I WANT TO BRING HIM HOME! D: He's so dang cute....I'd call him Highwayman 'cause I'm a nerd like that :P He's all perky and...and...CUTE AND FLUFFY! Okay, not that fluffy, but I overuse the word 'fluffy' and use it with anything.
Like Agnes in Despicable Me? I'll say "She's so cute and fluffy!" and...she's not fluffy.
Or I'll call Highway cute and fluffy, when he's not fluffy.
Or my Rapunzel doll is cute and fluffy. She's not fluffy.
Now I'm rambling XD Night!


Thursday, February 16, 2012


I took a couple pics today
But do not feel like blogging right now.
I'll post 'em tomorrow.


Wednesday, February 15, 2012

Day 44: School :P

This was my day. All day. Until 5PM. It shall be my day tomorrow and possibly Friday.
From Left to Right:
English and French below that
A...random notebook in which I have elf names :P
Science textbook and notebooks (And beside them is the adorable and ever faithful Puss man, who stayed with me until 4 :3)
Then continuing on in the circle are my knees (:P) on which is my history book
And then my computer :P

I discovered today the way to avoid a headache while doing school is to listen to rain. Just rain. Softly, in the background. And I was in there all day and, tada! no headache :3

Stay amazing
Buy glowsticks just for the fun of waving them around
...something else random I can't think of.

Tuesday, February 14, 2012

Day 43 (I think O.<): Couple different things :P

First off: This post will be rather random and rambling O.o I'm feeling rather out of it tonight XD So if something doesn't make sense, just ignore it :P

I have
Little brother

I don't ever ever cry over sweet valentines from anyone; mum, dad, grandparents. But every year my little brother gives me a valentine and I melt into a puddle of tears.

This is this years, and I cried so hard....
Four little words. Just four little words in his adorable learning handwriting and those two stickers. It has a special place not only on my ceiling, so I'll see it first thing when I wake up, but in my heart. I love this kid so much. He annoys me to bits sometimes and that kid's smirk....infuriating. But...then he pulls something like this, and NONE of that ever matters. EVER. ♥ I don't ever care much for valentine's day other than it means chocolate :3 but every year when I get one of these cards I wonder if maybe it is a pretty good holiday after all.

And he doesn't stop there. He can't forget the stuffed animals and dolls either:

^For my adorable little Pascal stuffed animal :3 (him and Perry the Platypus are best friends *nodnod*)

And for my Rapunzel doll. This kid....I don't know what I'll do with him ♥ I hugged him so tight when I got these...and I started crying...
Brother: "Are you crying? Or are you sweating through your eyes?"
Me: *choking him with hugs and sobbing*
And pulling the Phineas and Ferb quote just made me laugh and cry at the same time.

Now...moving on XD

I have a blister or something under that artsy little mess of awesomeness. I have no idea what the thing is and it's freaky. I've been rambling to my poor, ever-patient and listening charries for the past forty minutes about it :P I think I'm turning into an octopus or something. The thing's weird. Anyway. I'll stop grossing you out now :P

Phineas and Ferb band-aids make everything better B-)
....until you drop the box of them in the sink while the faucet is on, that is. *facedesk*

I took some other pics today that I'mma mess with and probably post as an extra later, or with my next photo shoot ^_^ Just a random tidbit there :P

And I was going to post that on AWAHD. *facepalm* Oh yeah. Smooooooth. Yep. And....uh...yeah. I'm all rambly and random today O.< Hm. Now what am I posting there....? Oh. Heh. Yah. I '
Aiden: You're rambling like crazy tonight. O.o *looks at me like I'm insane* I'll leave you to Andry and Gilan O.o *walks off*
Me: *ignores him*

Stay awesome
Take pictures of clouds
...something else random...oh yeah
Ignore this post.

Monday, February 13, 2012

Day 43: ♥Deceived

I wrote this fanfic forever ago...♥Deceived, Delighted, Done.♥ (I stink at titles, I know) and...I opened it to read it today...and...*gag* I need to rewrite the whole thing *sigh* I read some of these lines that were pure cheese, and go "The unfinished total first-fanfic ness of The Golden Trilogy was better than this...." (I'm writing three blog posts on three different blogs about three different aspects about this XD just a random tidbit there :P Oh yeah. Where I was going with that. Right. You can find out more about TGT on AWAHD. Moving onnn.....)

But this part was pretty alright ish :P So I took a picture of it. Mostly because it's better than

So....yeah....there it is :P *wonders if you were able to read that or not*
Aiden, you're supposed to show up on the other blog. Go away.

Anyway....stay awesome ;)

Day 42: Inauthenticities -.-

I made that word up, by the way :P Means somethings inauthentic.

We were at the Lego store after going to see Star Wars yesterday (awesome on IMAX, by the way. 3D gave me a headache, but y'know, it was Star Wars. On the big screen. It was worth it. Moving on) and I was looking at the Diagon Alley display. And I noticed...this *cringes*:

That's Borgin and Burkes. What. The. Heck. Is Mr. Ollivander doing there.....?
It continues. Look:
That's Ollivanders. And Fenrir Greyback.
What's he doing there!?
Ollivander should be there.
Greyback should be at Borgin and Burkes.
And one more thing: Harry's Wand. Is brown. Yes, in Lego form too.

Now. That said, I could quite possibly explain it, BUT. Here's what'd need to happen:
Greyback must be seen trying to attack Harry. Why he'd do that in Diagon Alley I don't know. But that's that. He wouldn't just be standing there. Yes, there are ways to pose that using Legos. I've done it XD
And Harry's wand needs to be brown -.- 'nuff said.

For another thing, it would all have to look rather torn down and beat up for this to even be remotely believable.

Yeah. There you go. A display of my major Harry Potter obsessed ness. I freak out about stuff like this :P

Joun sheïll von lüm!

Sunday, February 12, 2012

I'll post tomorrow

I honestly cannot think of how to post the pics I took today, so I'll do it tomorrow when I can think straight. Sorry XD

~Cecilie, who really should sleep.

Day 4...1...I....think...: Kitty likes the flower :P

Posted late, sorry, but I DID take this picture yesterday, but I *cough*forgottopostit*cough* and then last night when I remembered at internetz died *sigh*

But it's here now ^_^

See the tiny little dents in the ducktape of my favorite pen...?
My cat likes to...chew...on it....O.o

Yeah. I dunno either. It's like O.o? know, whatever works I guess...? XD

Joun sheïll von lüm!

Friday, February 10, 2012

Day....41? Oh well: Rainy music

I know I said I'd count today, blew up so....I didn't count. :P


Mamah let me get this E.P.I.C. new music today:
Yes, it is up that loud :P
It's the sounds
Of rain
Just rain
OH MY GOODNESSSSSSSSSS...............................*dies of the epicness*
I got a new story idea from rain the other night, so I had to find music.
I've been looking for music like this for awhile, because I LOVE RAIN SO DANG's so calming, and inspiring, all at the same time, which is just amazing to me.

So anyways
I love my rain music

Joun sheïll von lüm!
(story stuffs on AWAHD whenever I get around to it :P)

Thursday, February 9, 2012

Day 39...I think. I am off count I believe. ANYWAYS. Day something or other I'll count tomorrow: Rings's not a picture of a ring >:D
It's a picture from Lord Of The Rings >:D
See the italics down there? In the paragraph below the paragraph below the funny characters? That's the part I'd like to draw your attention to. The two lines of a verse long know in Elven-lore:
One Ring to rule them all, One Ring to find them,
One Ring to bring them all and in the darkness bind them.
Hehehhehehehehehe it gives me chills and makes me grin all. at. the. same. time.

In other words. I love this book. :P

Just had to share....
Joun sheïll von lüm!
(And yes, I will count my days tomorrow and figure out which day I'm supposed to be on :P)

Wednesday, February 8, 2012

Day 39: Trees....

I likez this tree ^_^ It makes me fink fantasy thoughts. I likez fantasy thoughts. And therefore I likez this tree.


Random post 'cause I'mma obsessed nerd

I just had to show you this pic I took of the moon last night XD it fit my mind perfectly and I kept listening to The Highwayman....and....just....yeah.


The wind was a torrent of darkness, among the ghastly trees,
The moon was a ghostly galleon, tossed upon the cloudy seas....

Can't you see it? That big bright galleon of a moon, and that stormy, cloudy night sky sea? *delighted noise again*

I messed with it juuuuust a touch so that you could really see the clouds but.....*sigh*

XD I'm so obsessed with that song.... :P

That's all, I'll post a real pic later :P

Tuesday, February 7, 2012

Day 38: 'Nother photo shoot! :D

I took bunches and bunches of pics today.....I'm posting one just in case I forget about the one I really took FOR today.....XD It's on the camera and I can't post it until tomorrow :P *is speed posting*

But here's a couple I took during the shoot today that I really like:

I'm obsessed with both taking and touching up pictures of my converse for some reason xD I love them. *huggles her shoes* :P

Oh, and the middle one was taken by my little brother :-) Full credit to him for all pictures of me. He's very good at doing what I tell him (>:D) :P

That's it for now ;)

Joun sheïll von lüm!

Day 37: Taken on time, posted late.

I know....I didn't post yesterday
I did take a picture
I just forgot to post it when I got home, 'cause going to the doctor is pretty nerve-wracking (I'm okay, don't freak out) and then, last night, midnight "Oh druist! Blog!" *grabs iPod to email self picture*......*iPod is dead* -_- "druist."

Here I am ^_^
I love it when the clouds look like this ^_^ I love taking pics of clouds ^_^ Clouds make me happeh. Clouds! XD

Joun sheïll von lüm!

Sunday, February 5, 2012

Day 36: Photo Shoot! I can't pick! :D

First off:
Lookie! New blog! Co authoring it ^_^ Check it ouuuuut!
Two Riders, Their Dragons, and Their Quest for Truths

I went on a photo shoot today around the trailer park ^_^ I had an EPIC. TIME.
And I took 41 pics xD

Here are just a couple of my faves :)

My shoes ^_^ I LOVE this pic for some reason xD


 Zat's me ^_^ I had BeBe take the pic for me, but it counts, right? xD

I'm SO going to be doing more photo shoots, I had a BLAST!

Now to figure out how to make Picasa save my edits without uploading the pics to a web album....*goes to mess about*

Joun sheïll von lüm!

Saturday, February 4, 2012

Day 35: I'm lazy today....


I had this really long, awesome post planned, but...I'm not going to do it because:
Mostly, I'm lazy and don't want to blog tonight :P
And also because it works better for AWAHD :P

Here is a pic of me and my new fingerless gloves :3

Target had gloves on sale for 0.60 today *dances* so I cut the hems and fingers off this pair, and drew the deathly hallows symbol on them just 'cause I'mma potterhead. Harry Potter shall always be an obsession of mine I fink.....hehe. I like my glovez :3

Another blog :3
No, I'm not entirely crazy: I'm co authoring this with my amazingly epic dearest friend and sister of mine :)
Check it ouuuut!
Two Riders, Their Dragons, and Their Quest for Truths

So yep :) be on the lookout for that awesome post on AWAHD....once I'm up to it :P

Joun sheïll von lüm!

Friday, February 3, 2012

Day 34: More Notebooks ^.^

I now have
Eight notebooks
For the Lit'na Wir Il'trea.

One for each book (3)
One that's just for generally all things Lit'na
One that's for the world it's set in
One for all things Dragons and Riders and such
And one for all things elves.
And Acaci has her own little book. YEAH. She's that awesome B-) :P
I also have in this picture the book that is going to hold descriptions for all of my charries, ever, and a book in which is written some favorite fonts of mine :) and the sharpies I used to make them purtyful :3 (And, of course, cute Mr. Coors man, there in the background ;) )
Joun sheïll von lüm!!!