Tuesday, January 10, 2012

Day...10...11...12...O.O (A.K.A, I couldn't decide)

Yeah. It's only around one o'clock and I already can't decide on a pic.

At least the memory wasn't misplaced, right?

Here's pic one:
I haven't posted a pic of my cast yet, so here it is. Still pretty forest green, but you can't see the rapidly deteriorating nature of the cotton-y stuff X_X
Guess. What?
Exactly one week until I get it off *dances*
I cannot WAIT to give dance 250% again.
And be able to type faster...:P

Pic two.
That is an epic notebook that I got for Christmas from a very awesome friend. I love it to tiny itty bitty little bits. I'm going to put finished versions of poetry in it :) (oh, and that's Tang's tail over there, laying on my elven dictionary :P)

Pic three

That's my beautiful darlingest pretty kitty, being all adorable. ♥ My Tangman ^.^ he loves my window XD

Well....that's all I think :3

Joun sheïll von lüm!


  1. Tang is so stinkin' cute! Oh, that notebook is EPIC!!! You should put Imaginary in there. :) Yay! Cast off! *dances* :D

  2. Innee tho?! I'm in the process of doing that... :) *dances too* XD
